Unase a líderes de alrededor del mundo para esta mini-serie de 5 partes para enriquecer y renovar su matrimonio. Nuestra Iglesia doméstica necesita de Dios y apoyo de los demás durante este tiempo de tanta incertidumbre. Esta es la hora para que las parejas casadas brillen y SEAN LA LUZ en sus hogares y comunidades. Recomendamos a que inviten a miembros de su parroquia o comunidades para que compartan juntos después de cada video o después de completar la serie. La serie es completamente gratis. Si desea hacer una donación, lo puede hacer con la inscripción.
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has released "Open Wide Our Hearts: The Enduring Call of Love", a pastoral letter against racism. Read the letter here.
Bishop Paul J. Bradley, in the name of the entire Diocese of Kalamazoo, warmly welcomes and applauds Pope Francis’ latest Encyclical, Fratelli Tutti (Brothers and Sisters All) released yesterday in Assisi on the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. Bishop Bradley invites all the Clergy and Faithful of the Diocese to read this landmark encyclical on fraternity and social friendship, which adds greatly to the Church’s Social Teachings.
Bishop Paul J. Bradley has written a Letter to the Faithful entitled, "Letting Faith Form our Conscience." In his letter, Bishop Bradley offers encouragement and guidance for forming our conscience in general and its application to our role as faithful citizens.