Bishop Paul J. Bradley dedicated the new church building for St. Clare Parish in Centreville on Thursday, January 24, 2019. The new location and building for St. Clare Parish marks the first new Church dedication in the diocese in close to ten years. Fr. Antony Rajesh, MSFS, is the pastor of St. Clare.
Pope Francis reminds us: “Christian families are missionary families... the salt of the earth and the light of the world... the leaven of society.” If you’re a student in grades 4th to 12th and have talent for art, music, writing poetry or creating videos; this is your chance to win prizes for your submissions. Deadline is February 15th. Details online at Catholic Student Contest or contact Socorro Truchan at
For eight days bishops from around the United States gathered at Mundelein Seminary, just outside Chicago, at the invitation of Pope Francis. Father Raniero Cantalamessa, O.F.M., Cap. , Preacher of the Papal Household served as Retreat Director. The days included talks by Fr. Catnalamessa as well as time for prayer, reflection, Reconciliation and the celebration of the Mass. The retreat began with the Nuncio's sharing of the eight-page letter from Pope Francis to the bishops. Read Bishop Bradley's reflection for more details.