The Bishop Paul V. Donovan Founder’s Society Award was established by Bishop Paul J. Bradley in 2021 in honor of the Diocese of Kalamazoo’s 50th anniversary of its establishment by Pope Paul VI. The award honors the tireless service and pastoral ministry of the Diocese of Kalamazoo’s founding bishop, the Most Reverend Paul Vincent Donovan.
Bishop Donovan served as the first Shepherd of the Diocese from July 21, 1971 until his retirement in January, 1995. He chose as his Episcopal Motto: “To serve rather than be served.” (Matthew 20:28)
Honorees of this distinguished diocesan recognition are chosen from among those who exemplify tireless service in the Name of Jesus and who reflect a love for God through service to the Church and others.
Nominations may be forwarded to the Office of the Bishop. The Bishop, in consultation with the diocesan Leadership Team, will review applications and determine final award recipients. Special recognition of honorees is held at a diocesan Mass and reception at St. Augustine Cathedral where the recipients are awarded custom bronze medallions.
You may download a PDF of the Nomination Form or submit your nomination by completing the online form below.