The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has released "Open Wide Our Hearts: The Enduring Call of Love", a pastoral letter against racism. Read the letter here.
Bishop Paul J. Bradley, in the name of the entire Diocese of Kalamazoo, warmly welcomes and applauds Pope Francis’ latest Encyclical, Fratelli Tutti (Brothers and Sisters All) released yesterday in Assisi on the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. Bishop Bradley invites all the Clergy and Faithful of the Diocese to read this landmark encyclical on fraternity and social friendship, which adds greatly to the Church’s Social Teachings.
Bishop Paul J. Bradley has written a Letter to the Faithful entitled, "Letting Faith Form our Conscience." In his letter, Bishop Bradley offers encouragement and guidance for forming our conscience in general and its application to our role as faithful citizens.
In light of recent incidents of violence and racial tension in communities across the United States, the USCCB president, along with Bishop Bradley, has invited all Catholics to unite in a National Day of Prayer and Fasting for Peace in Our Communities, September 9, the Feast of St. Peter Claver. All are invited to pray, fast, attend Mass and ask for the intercession of saints who have fought for racial equality such as St. Peter Claver.
In a heartfelt Letter to the Faithful, Bishop Paul J. Bradley announces his decision to extend the General Dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days through November 22, 2020. He also encourages the Faithful to "Keep Holy the Lord's Day" . Click here to read the full text.
August 3, 2020 (Kalamazoo, Mich.): The Most Rev. Paul J. Bradley has announced the following clergy appointments as well as the formation of a new Parish Collaborative. Changes are effective August 10, 2020 unless otherwise noted.
Bishop Bradley offers a video update on a number of diocesan initiatives including important changes to this year's Bishop's Annual Appeal and the reconvening of the diocesan Committee Against Racism.
My dear friends, as we all are painfully aware, we’re living in a very tumultuous, anxious, and greatly divided time in our country. Tensions are high, anger is great, peaceful protests against racism and social injustice are widespread, and sadly, some of those protests have turned violent, and destructive, including here in our own community. I’m reminded of St. Paul’s words to the Corinthians, and us, to “mend your ways, encourage one another, agree with one another, live in peace, and the God of love and peace will be with you” (2 Cor. 13:11).
The Most Reverend James A. Murray, Bishop Emeritus for the Diocese of Kalamazoo (1998-2009) has died. The retired bishop had recently experienced declining health and passed away peacefully this morning. He would have celebrated his 88th birthday on July 5, 2020.
This Pentecost Sunday is an especially joyful day in our beloved Diocese. Today we begin the gradual return to full participation in the life of the Church through our first weekend in Level 1 for the public celebration of Masses in a very modified manner. Although we know we still have a long way to go, it’s a joy-filled experience to finally welcome people back to celebrate the Holy Mass together.
Bishop Bradley has announced the decision to resume the public celebration of the Holy Mass beginning on May 27, 2020 with daily Mass and in anticipation of the Feast of Pentecost on May 31, 2020. Parishes will need to be ready in order to re-open by following the diocesan "Preparation Plan." Guidelines for the Faithful will be released in the coming days.
Bishop Bradley has written a beautiful and heartfelt pastoral letter to the People of the Diocese entitled: From Darkness to Light: Hope for a new Pentecost.
Bishop Paul J. Bradley on behalf of the Diocese of Kalamazoo has created the "Forward in Faith: Parish Support Fund" to raise money for Parishes impacted by the challenges of the COVID 19 pandemic. All gifts to this special online fund will directly benefit the Parishes.
Bishop Paul J. Bradley invites Christians in Southwest Michigan to "Let Jesus Light Shine" by decorating with bright lights. Custom downloads available.